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ARCANUM: Your Yearlong GeneKeys Initiation 2022

The Gene Keys are a portal – a portal to your most aligned and alive self.

They are a framework that invites you to understand the core of your BEing with embodied wisdom. Like a kaleidoscope they allow you to experience the beauty of all your different fractals and how they interact with each other to  create a perfect order and form the sacred geometry that is you.

The Gene Keys highlight your biggest gifts and highest potential, while at the same time unveiling your shadows and pointing towards possibilities for growth. Sourced from timeless wisdom, they offer a personalised roadmap for the evolution of your soul in this lifetime. 

Arcanum is here to serve as your pathway through this portal.

It isn’t just a program.

Arcanum is an initiation.

With Arcanum, you’ll be part of a yearlong container offering you an orientation to the wisdom of the Gene Keys, powerful monthly rituals, community support for self-inquiry into your personal profile, and celebratory time for harvesting insights. 

The Wisdom of Embodiment, Relating & Service Over the course of the year we will gain experiential knowledge of our individual, relational, and collective intelligence. 

This journey follows the structure of your hologenetic profile through:

  • the Genius Sequence by bringing our essence into the body and integrating the wisdom into our daily lives;

  • the Venus Sequence by inviting our hearts to crack open, and feel our love in every encounter; and

  • the Pearl Sequence by orienting us to our highest service to the world, as a gift that brings us the simplicity and sweetness of prosperity and wholeness into our lives.

You’ll have access to:

→ a deep understanding of your full personal hologenetic profile
→ a comprehensive overview of the Gene Keys spheres, lines, pathways, and keys
→ a program moving in coherence with the natural cycles of the moon
→ 3 monthly zoom gatherings + recordings 
→ pods with participants who have the same lines and/or keys as you
→ telegram chats & facebook group for exchanging insights, experiences, and asking questions
→ recordings and chat available for an additional 3 months after the container ends
→ possibility to book extra private sessions with Gene Keys Guide Michele Brand
→ one time opportunity to do this course fully live with us 

Guidance – You’ll receive guidance on how to understand, read and engage with the Gene Keys  through your Hologenetic Profile. In our monthly transmissions there will be teachings on the spheres, the pathways, the lines, and how they relate to each other.

Self-Illumination/Study – Each month we invite you to look at yourself, your life, the quality with which you see and encounter the world through the lens of one specific gene key sphere and the characteristics of the lines. You’ll individually dive into the essence of the gene key you have in this specific placement each month. 

Community – You’ll be in connection with others who are on the same journey. You’ll be encouraged to meet in pods outside of the group calls. The telegram chats are a space for you to exchange your experiences, deepen your understanding of each key, be witnessed, and receive input from others. 

Embodiment & Ritual – The greatest change happens when the whole of our being is witnessed and loved by us. This journey isn’t only one of the mind, but of the body as well. Our monthly deepening calls are designed to support understanding at a cellular level through ritual and embodied practices.

Integration – Every month we provide a held space for you to integrate. In our harvesting call you’ll be invited to reflect on your journey over the moon cycle, the themes, challenges, growth, inspiration that particular sphere brought forth in you. We’ll celebrate these learnings as a community.

The Power of Groups – Our power is amplified through collective action and attention. Whether we’re BEing or doing, when we come together with a shared purpose or intention we intensify and accelerate the (natural) processes of transformation. Being witnessed and witnessing each others’ journeys is only one of the many aspects that make this possible. This year-long container will be a powerful ride and you decide how close you want to come to the fire. 

Depth – The power and beauty of this container lies in its longevity. It’s a unique opportunity to dive deep into the mysteries of the Gene Keys and reach a level of profoundness in your understanding at cognitive, embodied, and energetic levels. You choose how you show up, how much you want to engage with the material and opportunities provided. There is no right or wrong way to do this – your yes to being part of this initiation is enough.

Empowerment – The Gene Keys are a paradigm that enables and encourages growth and evolution. This in-depth exploration is your opportunity to step more fully into your power through recognising, accepting, and celebrating who you are.

Coherence with the Cycles – Arcanum is a container that moves in coherence with the naturally occurring cycles of the moon. The ancient wisdom of ebb and flow, waxing and waning is tightly woven into our exploration and the rhythm of our meetings and rituals.

The Rhythm

Zoom Gatherings will be 3x/month on Wednesdays at 7.30pm CET/ 1:30 pm ET.

We will flow with the moon cycle:

1st quarter/New Moon: Live-stream with Michele – Intro into the focus sphere of the month, and the characteristics of each line

2nd ​​quarter: Deepening with Lena via zoom –  including Embodiment, Ritual & Meditation

3rd quarter/Full moon: no call – you deepen your journey with yourself, and optional pod meetings 

4th quarter: Harvesting with Levitie via zoom will be an interactive opportunity to share revelations and celebrate the embodied wisdom gained through our month of contemplation.

Download: Dates.Arcanum202223

Life’s Work – 02.03, 09.03, 30.03
Evolution – 06.04, 13.04, 27.04
Radiance – 04.05, 11.05, 25.05
Purpose – 01.06, 08.06, 22.06
Attraction – 29.06, 06.07, 27.07
IQ – 03.08, 10.08, 24.08
EQ – 31.08, 07.09, 21.09
SQ – 28.09, 05.10, 19.10
Core/Vocation – 26.10, 02.11, 16.11
Culture – 23.11, 30.11, 21.12
Brand – 28.12, 04.01, 18.01
Pearl – 25.01, 01.02, 15.02

Put the dates in your calendar and don’t worry if you can’t make it to all the calls. There will always be a recording available and you are encouraged to move through the content at your own pace (note: some of the practises such as breakout rooms will only be available if you join the zoom calls live).

With everything that we offer it is completely up to you how much you want to engage with it. Imagine this container to be like a carefully woven net that will hold you through this year. You choose how you want to relate to it, how close you want to have it – whether it’s time to lean into it and let it carry you, or to do the daring jump knowing that it’ll catch you when you fall. At other times you might want to actively weave it through sharing your experiences, insights, and explorations. The ways you engage with the material and structures we provide will likely change throughout the course of the year and we will always encourage /support you in your truth.

Energy Exchange

555€ for full access to the year’s worth of content and support, including official Gene Keys pathway materials including: 

  • Audio files for each of the gene keys of your personal hologenetic profile

  • Mudras for each of the Gene Keys to deepen your contemplative practice

  • Each of the three Gene Keys Golden Path sequence books (Genius, Love, Prosperity)

  • A full year of being held in community within a container of 3 facilitated monthly calls, pods, telegram chats.

  • Access to the recordings of the 3 calls per month will be available for the whole program duration and another 6 months later.

Payment plan: 110€/month for the first 4 months after enrolling + material costs of 157€.

We offer a limited number of scholarships to those in need, especially for those who experience systemic oppression through racism, heteronormativity, and/or classism. If you don’t find yourself within any of these groups, we would still consider your application with love. To receive further info about the application process, please visit this link:

Reach out to us [] if you have any questions!

We can’t wait to embark with you on this journey!
Opening online gathering on 2nd March 2022.

Meet the Hosts

Michele, Gene Keys Guide
Lena, Ritualist & Priestess
Levitie, Transformational Guide