I offer transformational guidance and support when shit hits the fan and the invitation to growth has presented itself, and you are (finally!) ready to accept it and step into your power.

You might be:

  • Ready to fully embody your sexual nature, to heal old wounds or patterns, or simply to explore new elements

  • Learning to trust and listen to your intuition in an embodied way

  • Healing from trauma (especially #metoo and relationship trauma)

  • Living with PTSD

  • Exploring or struggling with romantic partnerships (of all varieties, at all stages)

  • Leaping into the unknown such as quitting a job, leaving a partner, inviting in major life change

  • Experiencing fear, or emotional blocks in your life

  • Awakening to an emotionally abusive situation (past or present)

  • Seeking more meaningful work

  • Exploring how to more fully live your truth into the world

It’s my greatest joy to witness and support your self-liberation. In these 1:1 sessions, we’ll uncover how you are being invited to show up in the world more fully as your whole, true, vibrant self, and suss out a pathway that’s in alignment for you. Body based inquiry, shamanic timeline work, dialogue, aspecting, inner-child work, somatics, embodied movement, breathwork, biomagnetism, yoga, meditation, energetic practices, reflection, and conversation are some of the tools we’ll use to understand what’s happening for you at a deeper level, to release what no longer serves, and to intentionally call in what you need for your journey now.

Along the way, I may also connect you with people, experiences, resources, or modalities (such as reiki, amanae, or myofascial release) that will help you accelerate healing, personal, and spiritual growth.

My aim is that you feel as though you are meeting a trusted friend to uncover the answers that already lie inside you. Together we will laugh, cry, share, practice, and create your life, as you envision it, with levity.